After the pandemic, therapists world wide saw a huge increase in anxiety in children. Schools implemented emotional regulation programs and for a group of children this helped to make a difference, but for the younger children as well as the more sensitive children it was not enough.
I am a play the…
Healing Honeys can be used in different ways.
Bumble Babies are the smallest of our Bumbles. They measure 4,5cm.
They are the perfect size for a small hand, but please remember that they can be a …
Read MoreSocial worker and play therapist in private practice.
I ordered Blossom and Bumble Honeys and I am really impressed with my purchase! I love the fact that they are small enough to fit in one's pocket or even pencil bag. They are painted with great detail and can be used in various ways with clients of different ages in therapy. Would highly recommend Healing Honeys! Great products, very affordable and excellent client service!
11 year old girl that uses a Teenage Bumble to help with anxiety
Die poppie help my om kalm te word as ek angstig of gestres voel. Vertel vir die poppie waarvoor jy bang is en dan help dit as jy die poppie vashou. Dit het 'n lekker tekstuur. Ek hou baie daarvan en hoop dit help jou ook!
( The doll helps me when I feel anxious or stressed. Tell the doll what scares you and it will help if you hold it in your hand. It has a nice texture. I like it very much and hope it will help you too.)